Celestial Phoenix

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Celestial Phoenix

From the primordial ashes, you etch the sigil of resurgence, calling forth the Phoenix of the Heavens to carve through the battlefield on your behalf.
The Celestial Phoenix you summon, with its wings woven from the very flames of creation, dances among the clouds, soaring above the reach of mortal armaments.
Ennemies standing on the floor cannot damage it
Celestial Phoenix Logo.png

    Basic Stats

  • Mana Cost: 250
  • Cooldown: 50 seconds
    • Shop Cost

    • 9800 Coins
    • 980 Power Stones

    Accuracy (Attack Power)

  • S: Possesses an attack power of 160 Damage
  • A: Possesses an attack power of 120 Damage
  • B: Possesses an attack power of 100 Damage
  • C: Possesses an attack power of 80 Damage

    Size (Health)

  • S: Possesses 1800 Health
  • A: Possesses 1500 Health
  • B: Possesses 1200 Health
  • C: Possesses 1000 Health
