Slime Legion

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Slime Legion

From the mystic pools of the forgotten marshlands, summon a vast horde of Slimes to aid you in battle.
While frail and fragile, these gelatinous beings swarm with an overwhelming number, proving that sometimes strength lies in sheer quantity.
Beware the illusion of their frailty, for their combined force can turn the tide of any battle.
Slime Logo.png

    Basic Stats

  • Mana Cost: 200
  • Cooldown: 30s
  • Activation Time: 5s
    • Shop Cost

    • 3800 Coins
    • 380 Power Stones

    Accuracy (Damage Damage)

  • S: Each slime has 60 attack.
  • A: Each slime has 50 attack.
  • B: Each slime has 45 attack.
  • C: Each slime has 40 attack.

    Size (Slime Quantity & Health)

  • S: Summons 12 Slimes, with 110 health each.
  • A: Summons 10 Slimes, with 101 health each.
  • B: Summons 9 Slimes, with 90 health each.
  • C: Summons 8 Slimes, with 80 health each.