Inferno Trap

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Inferno Trap

Cast a cunning magical trap in a designated area.
When an enemy unit accidentally triggers this trap, it will immediately ignite a spark, stunning the triggering troops for 5 seconds.
Subsequently, a fierce pillar of flame will intensely burn enemy units within the area.
If not triggered, the trap can last for 120 seconds.
Inferno Trap Logo.png

    Basic Stats

  • Mana Cost: 200
  • Cooldown: 40 seconds
    • Shop Cost

    • 4800 Coins
    • 480 Power Stones

    Accuracy (Damage)

  • S: Deals 150 damage per second
  • A: Deals 125 damage per second
  • B: Deals 115 damage per second
  • C: Deals 100 damage per second

    Size (Duration)

  • S: Lasts for 7 seconds
  • A: Lasts for 6 seconds
  • B: Lasts for 5 seconds
  • C: Lasts for 4 seconds

    This Spell Is Countered By:

    This Spell Can Counter:
