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Invoke the guardian of ancient myths a dragon that soars heralding obliteration.
Heeding the summoner's command, this winged titan unleashes an eternal inferno, a force that swathes through fields, reducing all to ashes.
The relentless flames feed on the summoner's mana, insatiable in their hunger, meting out double agony to the minions below.
As legends have foretold, this dragon stands invincible, a titan above titans, scoffing at the futility of sorcery and blades.
The skill can be terminated early by pressing the grip button.
The skill ends automatically after 600 mana used.
Dragon Logo.png

    Basic Stats

  • Mana Cost: 0
  • Cooldown: 120 seconds
    • Shop Cost

    • 15800 Coins
    • 1580 Power Stones

    Accuracy (Mana Drain)

  • S: Drains 5 mana per 0.2 seconds
  • A: Drains 6.5 mana per 0.2 seconds
  • B: Drains 7.5 mana per 0.2 seconds
  • C: Drains 8 mana per 0.2 seconds

    Size (Damage)

  • S: Deals 150 damage per 0.2 seconds
  • A: Deals 140 damage per 0.2 seconds
  • B: Deals 130 damage per 0.2 seconds
  • C: Deals 120 damage per 0.2 seconds

    This Spell Is Countered By:

    This Spell Can Counter:
