Water Elementals

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Water Elementals

Summons two Water Elements to join the battle.
Water Element deals half extra attack damage to two units near the targets.
Each water element summons provides all your units with a healing buff for each attack. Suitable for tower pushing.
Water Elementals Logo.png

    Basic Stats

  • Mana Cost: 200
  • Cooldown: 36 seconds
    • Shop Cost

    • 800 Coins
    • 80 Power Stones

    Accuracy (Damage)

  • S: Deals 45 damage
  • A: Deals 38 damage
  • B: Deals 33 damage
  • C: Deals 30 damage

    Size (Health)

  • S: 825 Health
  • A: 715 Health
  • B: 605 Health
  • C: 550 Health

    This Spell Is Countered By:

    This Spell Can Counter:
