Fire Elementals

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Fire Elementals

Summon two Fire Elements to join the battle.
Each fire element summons makes all your units to deal extra fire damage to the enemy. Suitable for tower pushing.
Fire Elementals Logo.png

    Basic Stats

  • Mana Cost: 200
  • Cooldown: 36 seconds
    • Shop Cost

    • 800 Coins
    • 80 Power Stones

    Accuracy (Damage)

  • S: Deals 98 damage
  • A: Deals 84 damage
  • B: Deals 77 damage
  • C: Deals 70 damage

    Size (Health)

  • S: 720 Health
  • A: 624 Health
  • B: 528 Health
  • C: 480 Health

    This Spell Is Countered By:

    This Spell Can Counter:
