Wand Parasite

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Wand Parasite

The Wand Parasite is an organism from an unknown planet. When summoned, it will charge towards the opposing player.
It will then attach itself to their wand and begin draining mana.
During this period, the victim will be unable to cast runes, and basic attacks will be absorbed by the parasite.
You can rid yourself of it by performing basic attacks or by vigorously shaking the wand.
Once it detaches from the opposing player's wand, it will return to the caster, providing 75% of the drained mana.
Wand Parasite Logo.png

    Basic Stats

  • Mana Cost: 200
  • Cooldown: 60 seconds
    • Shop Cost

    • 6800 Coins
    • 680 Power Stones

    Accuracy (Mana Drain)

  • S: Drains 35 mana per second
  • A: Drains 28 mana per second
  • B: Drains 23 mana per second
  • C: Drains 20 mana per second

    Size (Difficulty)

  • S: Difficult to shake off
  • A: Challenging to shake off
  • B: Relatively easy to shake off
  • C: Easy to shake off

    This Spell Is Countered By:

    This Spell Can Counter:
