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Juni's page!


I am terrible at this game.

I think this is no surprise, anyone who has met me in the game probably has seen me lose or give up.

I just find it unfun getting insta killed, I play this game for the fun of it. Not to tryhard like VLONE does.

So then, why ARE you playing this game?

Well as I've said, I'm only playing for the funny. I don't wanna tryhard and get all those Ws, I don't care about going high in the leaderboards, all that interest me is playing and have fun doing it. I also really like interacting with the community and from times to times making mods from the game. Example, the Custom Wands mod I've made.

What's your loadout so I can ruin your fun?

My current loadout is Blood, Heal, Imperial and Water

Why? Well, I'll change it soon because it got nerfed but

Imperial and Water work great to flood the opponent with summons, problem is lack of mana. That's where Blood comes in; it helps give the mana required to keep summoning. Heal works great with Blood because it gives you back the health you lose

Recently, Blood got nerfed so I might need to change it.

Spell balance


Come on, it just isn't fun to instantly get obliterated by an SS fireball.

The nerf I'm proposing is simply NOT an insta kill. Leave at least 100 health to the player so they have a chance to heal..

The rest can be left as is. We had the same problem with nuke a while back

Right now, everyone just uses fireball. You can say "well actually fireball has alot of counters". Yep, what are they.

Shield? Yep, good job. Just wait for the shield to end then fireball em.

Taichi? Yay! Just as good as shield. Just wait it out.

Hell, maybe Heal? Aha, you're funny. It's an insta kill with SS

In short, simply make it not insta-kill, that would be great.


Now this is LITERALLY just better Bewitching

It does the same thing, turn the ennemy troops against them. The upsides?

  • It's AOE.
  • The ennemy hero cannot damage it.
  • The only counter to it is Purify.

"Well then just use purify?"

I dont wanna be forced to use a spell that I won't ever need since its practically useless except for that one spell. Every other effect spell has some form of counter, making Purify somewhat useless. Forcing every player to run Purify & Confusion to even have a chance to win is stupid and just takes away the diversity of the game.

To fix it, perhaps just either lower the time the spell is active for or just buff Purify. I would love to see Purify be more useful than to counter this one and only spell.

Dont spread hate.

No one unallows you to disagree with what I'm saying. Those are just my honest thoughts on spell and a couple ideas to better balance them but for gods sake don't go and harass me for making this area here.

Anyways those are just my thoughts on those spells and if you wanna argue for hours and disagree on all of my points..

argue with the wall

I don't wanna hear it