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Shoots a frostbolt and create a cold field nearby
Deals medium damage to enemy units and reducing enemy units' movement speed several seconds.
Other enemies that enter the cold field will suffer from half of the target's slowing effect.
If the spell hits the enemy, their wand will be frozen and they won't be able to attack you or draw any spells for several seconds
Suitable for attacking enemy wizards or summoned units.
Frostbolt Logo.png

    Basic Stats

  • Mana Cost: 100
  • Cooldown: 15 seconds
    • Shop Cost

    • 1200 Coins
    • 120 Power Stones

    Accuracy (Damage & Debuffs)

  • S: Deals 1050 damage, reduces speed by 95% for 24 seconds
  • A: Deals 875 damage, reduces speed by 90% for 18 seconds
  • B: Deals 770 damage, reduces speed by 80% for 14 seconds
  • C: Deals 700 damage, reduces speed by 70% for 212 seconds

    Size (Size)

  • S: Huge projectile & Area
  • A: Big projectile & Area
  • B: Normal projectile & Area
  • C: Small projectile & Area

    This Spell Is Countered By:

    This Spell Can Counter:
