Dragon Cub

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Dragon Cub

Summons a dragon cub around the hero for 120 seconds.
The dragon cub will give priority to attacking the enemy hero, if the enemy hero is dead, they will focus the summons
If the Dragon Cub is killed, it will disappear.
Dragon Cub Logo.png

    Basic Stats

  • Mana Cost: 200
  • Cooldown: 60 seconds
    • Shop Cost

    • 1800 Coins
    • 180 Power Stones

    Accuracy (Attack Damage)

  • S: 120 Attack Damage
  • A: 100 Attack Damage
  • B: 90 Attack Damage
  • C: 80 Attack Damage

    Size (Health)

  • S: 800 Health
  • A: 700 Health
  • B: 600 Health
  • C: 500 Health

    This Spell Is Countered By:


    This Spell Can Counter:

