Bloodsucking Bats

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Bloodsucking Bats

Unleash the power of darkness and summon a swarm of bloodsucking bats to attack the enemy hero.
These cunning nocturnal creatures will continuously assault the enemy hero, converting the damage they inflict into health restoration for the caster.

    Basic Stats

  • Mana Cost: 150
  • Cooldown: 60 seconds
    • Shop Cost

    • 4800 Coins
    • 480 Power Stones

    Accuracy (Damage)

  • S: Deals 45 damage per second
  • A: Deals 40 damage per second
  • B: Deals 37 damage per second
  • C: Deals 35 damage per second

    Size (Duration)

  • S: Lasts for 20 seconds
  • A: Lasts for 18 seconds
  • B: Lasts for 16 seconds
  • C: Lasts for 14 seconds

    This Spell Is Countered By:

    This Spell Can Counter:
